We use cookies to ensure the best possible experience while browsing our offers and to continuously improve our service. Thanks to them, the content and advertisements are more tailored to your needs, which is why we share them with social, advertising, and analytical partners. Your consent to use cookies is voluntary, and you can withdraw it anytime in the 'Cookie Settings' section, which you can find in the footer of our website.  Privacy policy.

Privacy policy


I. What is a privacy policy?

The purpose of this document is to explain to our Customers the principles of data collection and to demonstrate the purposes of their processing, as well as to inform about all relevant aspects of the process regarding the collection, processing, and securing of their personal data. The Privacy Policy will help you understand what information we collect in connection with the operation of the Store and how we process it. If we mention a User in the Privacy Policy, these provisions also apply to you.

In designing data processing procedures and activities, we are guided by legal regulations, in particular, the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, and the Act of 10 May 2018 on personal data protection.

The following principles cover all online stores managed by the Administrator listed below.

II. Definitions

Administrator – Design Studio “Cechownia” Aleksandra Grzonka, Stalowa 18 Street, 41-506 Chorzów, Poland. NIP 633-158-05-66, NIP for foreign transactions: PL6331580566.

Personal Data – information about an identified or identifiable natural person. Identification can be made through one or several specific factors defining the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity. In the case of processing information about online store users, this can include, among others, the IP number of the device, location data, internet identifier, and information collected through cookies and similar technology.

GDPR – Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

Act - the Act of 10 May 2018 on personal data protection.

Online Store – the official online store of Laga operated by the Administrator at https://laga.pl/

User – any natural person visiting the Online Store and using one or several services or functionalities described in the Policy.

III. Purposes and bases for processing personal data

Design Studio "Cechownia" Aleksandra Grzonka, as the data controller, processes your personal data for various purposes, but always in accordance with the law. Your data is processed in connection with the following categories of activities:

1.Browsing the Online store

Data of all entities using the Online Store (including IP address or other identifiers and information collected through cookies or other similar technologies), who are not registered Users (i.e., individuals who do not have a profile in the Online Store), are processed by the Administrator for one or more of the following purposes:

  • providing electronic services (sharing content posted in the Online Store, making contact forms available) – the legal basis for processing is the necessity of processing to perform the contract or to take action at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR);

  • handling purchases made without registration in the Online Store and potential subsequent complaints - the legal basis for processing is the necessity of processing to perform the contract (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR);

  • issuing and storing purchase proofs, invoices related to purchased goods – the legal basis for processing is to fulfill a legal obligation incumbent on the administrator resulting, in particular, from tax laws and accounting regulations (Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR);

  • potentially establishing and pursuing claims or defending against them - the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR);

  • the Administrator's marketing, especially related to displaying advertising - the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR), which lies in customizing displayed advertising content – and in special cases, the consent of the data subject (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR). The principles of processing personal data for marketing purposes are described in the "MARKETING" section;

  • analytical and statistical purposes - the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR) - conducting analyses of users' behaviors and activities as well as their preferences to improve the quality and adequacy of applied functionalities and provided services.

User data and activity in the Online Store, including personal data, are collected in system logs (a dedicated computer system created for storing a record of events and actions concerning the IT system used to provide services by the Administrator). Information from logs is processed in connection with the provision of services by the Administrator and for technical purposes (may be temporarily stored to ensure security and proper functioning of systems, e.g., in connection with performing backups, detecting irregularities, or protecting against abuses and attacks.)

2.Registration in the Online Store

Registration in the Online Store takes place through the creation of a Customer Account. For this purpose, we ask you to provide data necessary to create and manage this account (data marked as mandatory, i.e., email address, password, first and last name). Failure to provide these results in the inability to create an account.

By registering in the online store, the provided data is processed by the Administrator for the following purposes:

  • providing services related to the management and operation of the account in the Online Store – the legal basis for processing is the necessity of processing to perform the contract (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR);

  • analytical and statistical purposes - the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR) - conducting analyses of users' behaviors and activities as well as their preferences to improve the quality and adequacy of applied functionalities and provided services;

  • potentially establishing and pursuing claims or defending against them - the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR);

  • the Administrator's marketing, especially related to displaying advertising - the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR), which lies in customizing displayed advertising content – and in special cases, the consent of the data subject (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR). The principles of processing personal data for marketing purposes are described in the "MARKETING" section.

3.Placing an order

Placing an order (the intention to purchase a product) by a User in the Online Store requires providing data marked at this stage as mandatory. This is voluntary but necessary for the execution and delivery of the ordered product. Without providing this data, we will not be able to execute the order. Providing additional data is voluntary and does not affect the order execution.

The data provided as part of placing an order in the Online Store are processed for one or more of the following purposes:

  • execution of the placed order – legal basis for processing:

    • for mandatory data - the necessity of processing to perform the contract (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR);

    • for voluntarily provided data – consent expressed through action (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR);

  • fulfillment of legal obligations incumbent on the Administrator, resulting in particular from tax laws and accounting regulations – the legal basis for processing is Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR;

  • analytical and statistical purposes - the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR) - conducting analyses of users' behaviors and activities as well as their preferences to improve the quality and adequacy of applied functionalities and provided services;

  • potentially establishing and pursuing claims or defending against them - the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).

4.Contact form

Using the Online Store, there is a possibility to contact Us using an electronic contact form. This requires providing a minimum scope of personal data necessary to contact the User and respond to the question (mandatory fields). Failure to provide these results in the inability to use the form

The User may also provide other data, which facilitates contact or service of the inquiry. Processing of these data will be based on consent expressed through action (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).

Data entered into the contact form are processed for one or more of the following purposes:

  • identification of the sender and handling of the inquiry sent through the provided form – the legal basis for processing is the necessity of processing to perform the service contract (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR)

  • analytical and statistical purposes - the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR) - conducting analyses of users' behaviors and activities as well as their preferences to improve the quality and adequacy of applied functionalities and provided services;

  • potentially establishing and pursuing claims or defending against them - the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR).

5.Direct Marketing

Design Studio "Cechownia" Aleksandra Grzonka, as the data controller, processes the personal data of Users for the purpose of carrying out marketing activities. The legal basis for such activities includes:

  • the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). These activities may, in particular, consist of displaying marketing content to the User that is not adjusted to their preferences (contextual advertising);

  • consent given by the User for targeted data processing (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR) concerning:

    • displaying marketing content to the User matching their interests (behavioral advertising – consent based on browser settings selection);

    • sending email notifications about interesting offers or content, which in some cases contain commercial information;

    • conducting other types of activities related to the direct marketing of goods and services (if the User has consented to receiving marketing information via email, SMS, and other electronic communication means, the User's personal data will be processed for the purpose of sending such information).

Your personal data will be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling, if consent is given. This means that through automated data processing, Design Studio "Cechownia" Aleksandra Grzonka assesses certain factors concerning individuals in order to analyze their behavior or create future predictions (e.g., purchasing preferences, site activity, offer adjustments). However, this kind of profiling does not have legal effects on the User nor significantly affects their decisions.


Design Studio "Cechownia" Aleksandra Grzonka provides a newsletter service under the terms specified in the regulations to those who have provided their email address for this purpose. Providing data is required for the newsletter service (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR), and failure to do so results in the inability to send it.

When directing marketing content to the User within the newsletter – the legal basis for processing, including profiling, is the User's consent to receive the newsletter of specified content (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).

7.Contextual Advertising

Design Studio "Cechownia" Aleksandra Grzonka processes the personal data of Users in connection with directing contextual advertising (i.e., advertising that is not matched to the User's preferences but related to the content of the visited website). The processing of personal data occurs due to the realization of the legitimate interest of Design Studio "Cechownia" Aleksandra Grzonka (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).

8.Behavioral Advertising

Design Studio "Cechownia" Aleksandra Grzonka processes the personal data of Users, including personal data collected through cookies and other similar technologies, for marketing purposes related to directing behavioral advertising to Users (i.e., advertising that is matched to the User's preferences). The use of personal data collected through this technology for marketing purposes only occurs if the User has consented to the appropriate use of some cookies.


Cookies are small text files installed on the User's device browsing the Online Store. Cookies collect information facilitating the use of the website – e.g., by remembering the User's visits to the Online Store and the actions they perform. Design Studio "Cechownia" Aleksandra Grzonka uses so-called cookies primarily to provide Users with electronic services and to improve the quality of these services. In some cases, these files may constitute the personal data of Users. The use of cookies necessary for the website/store to function does not require the User's consent. The legal basis in this case is the legitimate interest of the administrator (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR).

The use of cookies, when the identification of the User (Store Customer) is necessary for the site/application to function correctly (e.g., shopping cart history to properly process the order), is based on Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR (after accepting the store's regulations).

Otherwise, if cookies constitute personal data, their use (processing e.g., profiling, behavioral advertising) requires the User's consent – Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR.

Consent for the appropriate use of cookies can be expressed through the appropriate configuration of the browser, and it can also be withdrawn at any time, especially by clearing the cookies history and disabling cookies support in the browser settings.

On our pages, third parties place information in the form of cookies on your end device (e.g., computer, smartphone) and gain access to them. These are our trusted partners with whom we continuously cooperate to adjust the advertisements on our and their pages to your needs and interests, as well as the services we and our trusted partners provide. Such a trusted partner includes entities from the Wirtualna Polska capital group. Detailed information on the processing of your data by Wirtualna Polska can be found in Wirtualna Polska's privacy policy.

10.Social Media

We use the personal data of Users visiting Design Studio "Cechownia" Aleksandra Grzonka profiles conducted in social media (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram). These data are processed exclusively in connection with managing the profile, including informing Users about Design Studio "Cechownia" Aleksandra Grzonka's activities and promoting various events, services, and products. The legal basis for the Administrator's processing of personal data for this purpose is its legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR).

IV. How Long Do We Keep Your Data?

n accordance with the applicable legal provisions, we process your personal data for the period necessary to achieve the specified purpose mentioned in the "Purposes and bases for processing personal data" section. In particular, the processing time is determined by:

  • for personal data obtained based on your consent, the Company will process your data until the consent is withdrawn,

  • if you were our customer or contractor (party to the contract), we will process the data for the time necessary to:

    • settle the service/contract and within the periods arising from tax law concerning the storage of, among others, accounting documents,

    • pursuit of any claims by Design Studio "Cechownia" Aleksandra Grzonka (in accordance with the periods resulting from the Civil Code and contract terms),

    • until the end of the newsletter service provision, the conclusion of the complaint procedure, the directive to close/delete the online store user account, and after this period until the limitation of any claims or until the expiration of data storage obligations arising from legal provisions.

V. What Are Your Rights Regarding Your Data?

  • Users/clients of the Online Store are entitled to the following rights:

    • The right to information about the processing of personal data – upon such a request, the Administrator provides information on the processing of their personal data, including primarily informing about the purposes and legal bases of processing, the scope of held data, entities to which personal data are disclosed, and the planned date of their deletion;

    • The right to obtain a copy of the data – upon such a request, the Administrator provides a copy of the processed personal data concerning the person making the request.

    • The right to rectification of data – allows for the correction of data. Based on this, the Administrator corrects any errors concerning processed personal data and supplements or updates them if they are incomplete or have changed;

    • The right to erasure of data – under this right, you can request the deletion of data for which processing is no longer necessary to achieve any of the purposes for which they were collected. It is worth remembering that exercising this right is possible only in specific cases and depends on the purpose of processing;

    • The right to restrict processing – based on this right, the Administrator may suspend operations on personal data, except for operations consented to by the data subject and their storage, in accordance with adopted retention principles, or until the reasons for data processing restriction cease to exist (e.g., a supervisory authority decision permitting further data processing is issued);

    • The right to data portability – based on this right, data processed, e.g., under a contract or consent given, may be issued to the person they concern in a suitable format. It is also possible to request sending these data to another entity – however, this is subject to technical possibilities both on the part of the Administrator and that other entity;

    • The right to object to data processing, e.g., for marketing purposes – the person concerned can at any time object to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes, without the need to justify such an objection;

    • The right to withdraw consent (if it was the basis for data processing) – the person concerned can withdraw their consent to data processing at any time.

  • If we processed your personal data based on the consent you provided, its withdrawal does not mean that the processing of personal data until that moment was illegal. It means that withdrawing consent does not affect the legality of the processing that was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

  • Previously given consents (e.g., concerning receiving information about promotions and new products in the store) can also be revoked after logging into the User's account and unchecking the appropriate box in the customer panel, under the "my account" tab and then the "save" boxes. Previously given consents can also be revoked by clicking on the link found in every email received.

  • Requests regarding the exercise of the rights described above can be submitted via traditional mail by writing to the address: ul. Stalowa 18 (41-506 Chorzów) or via email at: sklep@laga.pl.

  • Forms for requests concerning the exercise of the aforementioned rights can be found below.

  • If we are unable to determine the content of the request or identify the person submitting the request based on the notification, we will ask the applicant for additional information.

  • The consideration of submitted requests regarding the rights of data subjects will occur in the mode and within the deadlines arising from Articles 12-22 of the GDPR.

  • If you believe that your personal data is processed in violation of the applicable law, you can file a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

VI. Transfer of Personal Data to Third Countries and International Organizations

Your personal data is not transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In cases where the transfer of this data becomes necessary, we will ensure that the method and principles of data transfer outside the EEA comply with current legal requirements and security standards.

VII. Questions and contact

  • If you would like to get detailed information regarding your personal data processed by Design Studio "Cechownia" Aleksandra Grzonka, you can contact us at the phone number: +48 799 047 048 or via the email address of the Data Protection Officer at sklep@laga.pl.

  • We ensure that our privacy policies, as well as the methods and principles of data processing, are systematically updated and comply with current legal requirements.